Tags 3d printing 3D Printing Workshop Resources Timelapse Camera Slide from a 3D Printer Timelapse Camera Slide Version 2 FrankenVinci - Converting a Bricked Da Vinci to RAMPS Controller Paint Selection for 3D Printed Miniatures A 3D Printed Flying Saucer A 3D Printed Mine Trolley Prop for Stop Motion A 3D Printed Mine Truck Another 3D Printed Mine Truck 3D Printed Railway Bogie Sets 3D Printed Railbike A Go-Motion Mine Trolley 3D Printed Vintage Railcar 3D Printed Railcar Chassis Parametric Footplates Parametric Railway Tracks Parametric Propellers Experiments with 3D Printed Propellers A 28mm Tabletop Gaming Mine Trolley Parametric Bomb Dice Parametric Bomb Dice Using CADQuery Parametric Railway Turnouts 3D Printed Brake Van alcohol Feijoa Melomel Date Braggot Kiwifruit and Ginger Wine Home-Brewed Lemonade arduino Breaking up CSVs CSV Array Loader Capturing Data off an SD Card Modified Simple RTC Reader Time Loader and Adjuster Loading CSV Off SD Card and Updating Times Arduino-Alarm Logic Using TriggerOnce Alarms Developing Logic for Alarm Setting Hot_water_cylinder_controller_no Hot_water_cylinder_controller_nc An Arduino Weekend and Holiday Aware Hot Water Cylinder Timer Communication between Arduinos - I2C Communication between Arduinos – Serial Flex Sensor and Servo Multi-Joysticks transmitted to Multiple Servos PS2 Controllers on Arduinos ESC Calibration Using an Arduino Calibrating the ROV's ESCs Two Way Serial Communication PS2 Controller Sketch for ESCs and Stuff ROV Idle Sketch Control of the Horyzon HD Camera with an Arduino ROV Control Sketches – First Edition Three Arduino Circuits for Temperature Measurement ROV Control Sketches – Second Edition TM1637 4-digit Display Example Sketch Timelapse Camera Slide from a 3D Printer Hmc5883l_digital_compass ROV Control Sketches – Third Edition Programming and Calibrating the EZRUN 18A ESCs A Simple Arduino Based Logger Arduino Library Collection A Simple Pressure and Temperature Logger Timelapse Camera Slide Version 2 ROV Control Sketches – Fourth Edition Using A Playstation 2 Controller with your Arduino Project Battery Discharge Tester FrankenVinci - Converting a Bricked Da Vinci to RAMPS Controller A Homebuilt Virtual Reality System The GY87 Combined Sensor Test Sketch Hand Installing pySerial into Python Installations The Solar Water Heater Controller in a Perfect World The Solar Water Heater Controller in the Real World An Arduino Based Solar Water Heater Controller PWM Device Tester Using the MX1508 Brushed DC Motor Driver with an Arduino DC Motor Motion Sequence Controller A Go-Motion Mine Trolley Bread and Yoghurt Brewing Temperature Controller art Flyer Tug Nettlebed Caverns Creating Planetary Rings In Blender Creating Seamless Spherical Textures Using Photographic Backgrounds in Blender The Baddest Mountain Dulcimer Ever Texture Galleries Making Little Planets How to Develop a Potters' Nod Paint Selection for 3D Printed Miniatures A 3D Printed Flying Saucer A 3D Printed Mine Trolley Prop for Stop Motion A 3D Printed Mine Truck Another 3D Printed Mine Truck 3D Printed Railway Bogie Sets 3D Printed Railbike DataPond Data Driven Music Builder A Go-Motion Mine Trolley 3D Printed Vintage Railcar 3D Printed Railcar Chassis Potty Snofflenaks Lifts the Lid on Vegetable Boiling A 28mm Tabletop Gaming Mine Trolley 3D Printed Brake Van blender Flyer Tug Smoothflying Creating Planetary Rings In Blender Blender to TurboCAD 2D Engineering Drawing Toolchain Using Photographic Backgrounds in Blender Component Model Library 3D Printing Workshop Resources Steely Taws-No Quitsies Steely Taws Components Steely Taws – Puzzle Game v1 Steely Taws Standardised Components Steely Taws – Puzzle Game v3 A Homebuilt Virtual Reality System Hand Installing pySerial into Python Installations cadquery Parametric Bomb Dice Using CADQuery cartoons Potty Snofflenaks Lifts the Lid on Vegetable Boiling electronics PS2 Controllers on Arduinos Electronic Circuits in the ROV Control of the Horyzon HD Camera with an Arduino ROV Control Sketches – First Edition Three Arduino Circuits for Temperature Measurement ROV Control Sketches – Second Edition TM1637 4-digit Display Example Sketch Timelapse Camera Slide from a 3D Printer Hmc5883l_digital_compass ROV Control Sketches – Third Edition Installing a Dianmu OSD and FPV System in an Electric Glider Fun with TS832 Video Transmitters Programming and Calibrating the EZRUN 18A ESCs A Simple Arduino Based Logger Arduino Library Collection 12V Lead Acid Battery Monitor A Simple Pressure and Temperature Logger RC Glider NiMh Battery Pack Monitor Timelapse Camera Slide Version 2 ROV Control Sketches – Fourth Edition Battery Discharge Tester FrankenVinci - Converting a Bricked Da Vinci to RAMPS Controller A Homebuilt Virtual Reality System The GY87 Combined Sensor Test Sketch Finding Thermistor Beta Values The Solar Water Heater Controller in a Perfect World The Solar Water Heater Controller in the Real World An Arduino Based Solar Water Heater Controller An LM317 Calculator with Python Deployment LED Desklamp Hack PWM Device Tester Using the MX1508 Brushed DC Motor Driver with an Arduino DC Motor Motion Sequence Controller A Go-Motion Mine Trolley MCP121 Based Solar Engine BEAMbot Bread and Yoghurt Brewing Temperature Controller LED Array Dimmer Circuit Solar Charger for LiPO Batteries With Low Voltage Cutoff energy Hot_water_cylinder_controller_no Hot_water_cylinder_controller_nc An Arduino Weekend and Holiday Aware Hot Water Cylinder Timer 12V Lead Acid Battery Monitor RC Glider NiMh Battery Pack Monitor Battery Discharge Tester The Solar Water Heater Controller in a Perfect World The Solar Water Heater Controller in the Real World An Arduino Based Solar Water Heater Controller MCP121 Based Solar Engine BEAMbot Solar Charger for LiPO Batteries With Low Voltage Cutoff essay An Analysis of the Role of Ceramics in Video Games How to Develop a Potters' Nod ATU-Index For Story Inspiration games Nettlebed Caverns Smoothflying Creating New Scenery for RC Desk Pilot Custom RC Desk Pilot Scenes Steely Taws-No Quitsies Steely Taws Components Steely Taws – Puzzle Game v1 Steely Taws Standardised Components Steely Taws – Puzzle Game v3 An Analysis of the Role of Ceramics in Video Games Texture Galleries A Homebuilt Virtual Reality System Paint Selection for 3D Printed Miniatures gis Achieving a Square Map Grid in QGIS Cutting and Intersecting Vector Layers in QGIS Creating Buffer Zones in QGIS godot SpinBoxes in Godot3 The ItemList Node in Godot The OptionButton Node in Godot2 Exporting Godot 2 projects to Android and Other Platforms graphics Flyer Tug Modular Space Station library Creating Planetary Rings In Blender Creating Seamless Spherical Textures Blender to TurboCAD 2D Engineering Drawing Toolchain Customised Gthumb Web Galleries Using Photographic Backgrounds in Blender Component Model Library Creating New Scenery for RC Desk Pilot Custom RC Desk Pilot Scenes Steely Taws-No Quitsies Steely Taws Components Steely Taws – Puzzle Game v1 Turning a Text List into Inkscape Text Objects Steely Taws Standardised Components A Scribus Script to Distribute Images Across Page A Scribus Script to Load Text from a List Achieving a Square Map Grid in QGIS Cutting and Intersecting Vector Layers in QGIS Steely Taws – Puzzle Game v3 Creating Buffer Zones in QGIS An Analysis of the Role of Ceramics in Video Games Texture Galleries Making Little Planets Python and Scribus Scripts to Deal Story Cards SpinBoxes in Godot3 The ItemList Node in Godot The OptionButton Node in Godot2 Batch Converting jp2 images to jpgs, and pdfs using ImageMagick Exporting Godot 2 projects to Android and Other Platforms 3D Model Contact Sheets using FreeCAD and ImageMagick Using ImageMagick to Divide an Image food Feijoa Melomel Hamy's Sugar-Free Carrot Cake Saag for Cheats and the Impatient Date Braggot Kiwifruit and Ginger Wine Savoury Silverbeet Bread Nanaimo Bars and Other Dangerous Experiments Poutine the New Zealand Way Nanaimo Bars - A Kinda Healthier Version Chocolate Chip Cookie Biscuits with Reduced Badness Home-Brewed Lemonade Feijoa Beer inkscape Turning a Text List into Inkscape Text Objects instruments The Baddest Mountain Dulcimer Ever DataPond Data Driven Music Builder models Flyer Tug Modular Space Station library Smoothflying Component Model Library Steely Taws-No Quitsies Steely Taws Components Steely Taws – Puzzle Game v1 Steely Taws Standardised Components Steely Taws – Puzzle Game v3 Paint Selection for 3D Printed Miniatures A 3D Printed Flying Saucer A 3D Printed Mine Trolley Prop for Stop Motion A 3D Printed Mine Truck Another 3D Printed Mine Truck 3D Printed Railway Bogie Sets 3D Printed Railbike Parametric Chain Link Drive Pulley A Go-Motion Mine Trolley 3D Printed Vintage Railcar 3D Printed Railcar Chassis Parametric Footplates Parametric Railway Tracks Airfoil to OpenSCAD Converter Parametric Propellers Experiments with 3D Printed Propellers 3D Model Contact Sheets using FreeCAD and ImageMagick A 28mm Tabletop Gaming Mine Trolley Parametric Bomb Dice Parametric Bomb Dice Using CADQuery Parametric Railway Turnouts 3D Printed Brake Van music The Baddest Mountain Dulcimer Ever DataPond Data Driven Music Builder openscad Parametric Chain Link Drive Pulley Parametric Footplates Parametric Railway Tracks Airfoil to OpenSCAD Converter Parametric Propellers Experiments with 3D Printed Propellers Parametric Bomb Dice Parametric Bomb Dice Using CADQuery Parametric Railway Turnouts playstation PS2 Controllers on Arduinos PS2 Controller Sketch for ESCs and Stuff ROV Control Sketches – First Edition ROV Control Sketches – Second Edition ROV Control Sketches – Third Edition An Analysis of the Role of Ceramics in Video Games Arduino Library Collection ROV Control Sketches – Fourth Edition Using A Playstation 2 Controller with your Arduino Project python Smoothflying Developing Logic for Alarm Setting Creating New Scenery for RC Desk Pilot Custom RC Desk Pilot Scenes Steely Taws-No Quitsies Steely Taws Components Turning a Text List into Inkscape Text Objects Steely Taws Standardised Components A Scribus Script to Distribute Images Across Page A Scribus Script to Load Text from a List Hand Installing pySerial into Python Installations Python and Scribus Scripts to Deal Story Cards A Stop Motion Calculator An LM317 Calculator with Python Deployment DataPond Data Driven Music Builder Airfoil to OpenSCAD Converter Parametric Propellers Experiments with 3D Printed Propellers 3D Model Contact Sheets using FreeCAD and ImageMagick Parametric Bomb Dice Using CADQuery rc aircraft Component Model Library Creating New Scenery for RC Desk Pilot Custom RC Desk Pilot Scenes Installing a Dianmu OSD and FPV System in an Electric Glider Fun with TS832 Video Transmitters Modifications to the Dragonfly Glider 12V Lead Acid Battery Monitor RC Glider NiMh Battery Pack Monitor Organising a Public Drone Racing Event Parametric Propellers Experiments with 3D Printed Propellers recipe Feijoa Melomel Hamy's Sugar-Free Carrot Cake Saag for Cheats and the Impatient Date Braggot Kiwifruit and Ginger Wine Savoury Silverbeet Bread Nanaimo Bars and Other Dangerous Experiments Poutine the New Zealand Way Nanaimo Bars - A Kinda Healthier Version Chocolate Chip Cookie Biscuits with Reduced Badness Home-Brewed Lemonade Feijoa Beer robotics Robotics 1a - Introduction to the mBot Robotics 1b - Building an mBot Program Robotics 1c - Programming a Guided mBot Robotics 1d - mBot Sensors Robotics 1e - More mBot Sensors Robotics 1f - mBot Sensor Lucky-Dip Robotics2b - Lego Mindstorms EV3 Body Building Robotics Tutorials Session Overview Robotics2c - Lego Mindstorms EV3 Programming Interface Robotics2d - Lego Mindstorms EV3 Chassis in Action Robotics 2a - Introduction to the Lego Mindstorm EV3s MCP121 Based Solar Engine BEAMbot rov Communication between Arduinos - I2C Communication between Arduinos – Serial Flex Sensor and Servo Multi-Joysticks transmitted to Multiple Servos OpenSource ROV ROV Thrusters PS2 Controllers on Arduinos Component Model Library Sending Video through the Tether Electronic Circuits in the ROV ROV Seals ROV Shell Analysis ESC Calibration Using an Arduino Calibrating the ROV's ESCs Two Way Serial Communication PS2 Controller Sketch for ESCs and Stuff ROV Brushless Thruster Testing ROV Project Updates ROV Idle Sketch Control of the Horyzon HD Camera with an Arduino ROV Control Sketches – First Edition Three Arduino Circuits for Temperature Measurement ROV Control Sketches – Second Edition Canadian ROV Manufacturers Pressure Testing Rig for ROV Seals Investigations into Wire Sealing Methods ROV Motor Upgrade Hmc5883l_digital_compass ROV Control Sketches – Third Edition A More Refined Wire Sealing Technique Bath-time for the ROV ROV Tether Management System Trial No 2 - The Swimming Pool Programming and Calibrating the EZRUN 18A ESCs A Simple Arduino Based Logger Arduino Library Collection 12V Lead Acid Battery Monitor A Simple Pressure and Temperature Logger ROV Control Sketches – Fourth Edition Pressure Testing the ROV science Scale Model of the Solar System DataPond Data Driven Music Builder sensors Flex Sensor and Servo Three Arduino Circuits for Temperature Measurement Hmc5883l_digital_compass A Simple Arduino Based Logger Arduino Library Collection A Simple Pressure and Temperature Logger A Homebuilt Virtual Reality System The GY87 Combined Sensor Test Sketch Finding Thermistor Beta Values The Solar Water Heater Controller in a Perfect World The Solar Water Heater Controller in the Real World An Arduino Based Solar Water Heater Controller Solar Charger for LiPO Batteries With Low Voltage Cutoff stopmotion A 3D Printed Flying Saucer A 3D Printed Mine Trolley Prop for Stop Motion A 3D Printed Mine Truck A Stop Motion Calculator Another 3D Printed Mine Truck 3D Printed Railway Bogie Sets LED Desklamp Hack 3D Printed Railbike A Go-Motion Mine Trolley 3D Printed Vintage Railcar 3D Printed Railcar Chassis 3D Printed Brake Van textures Creating Planetary Rings In Blender Creating Seamless Spherical Textures Creating New Scenery for RC Desk Pilot Custom RC Desk Pilot Scenes Texture Galleries Making Little Planets tools Creating New Scenery for RC Desk Pilot Turning a Text List into Inkscape Text Objects A Scribus Script to Distribute Images Across Page A Scribus Script to Load Text from a List Battery Discharge Tester Python and Scribus Scripts to Deal Story Cards Vacuum Formed Thin Plastic Domes Organising a Public Drone Racing Event A Stop Motion Calculator An LM317 Calculator with Python Deployment DataPond Data Driven Music Builder Batch Converting jp2 images to jpgs, and pdfs using ImageMagick 3D Model Contact Sheets using FreeCAD and ImageMagick Using ImageMagick to Divide an Image StorySoup travel Canadian ROV Manufacturers writing The Language of Flowers Boah’gug and the Search for Fire StorySoup Example - Adventure Kids StorySoup Example - Animal Fables StorySoup Example - Detective Noir StorySoup Example - Everything StorySoup Example - Fairy Tales StorySoup Example - Fantasy StorySoup Example - Murder Mystery StorySoup Example - Myths and Legends StorySoup Example - Science Fiction StorySoup Example - Horror StorySoup Example - Wild West StorySoup The Magpies Complaint Trending Now Alone The Black Run ATU-Index For Story Inspiration The CEO and the Demon