Many of my project have required me to produce texture resources. Those that are specific to a project are packaged with the project, but there are a number of generic textures that I call on time and time again. I have packaged these up into a series of texture-based galleries so they may be accessed by you for your own projects.

The images are photos gathered from various trips and excursions I have done.

Some of the images have been tiled either as full tiles or as horizontal tiles only. Others are simply photos that I would use as resources to generate new textures for particular projects.

Accessing the galleries will let you view the images and access each individual picture. Under each gallery link below I have provided a link to a zipped file of the textures housed on


This is a selection of photos that may or may not be useful for background images for renders. If nothing else they are great inspiration. The gallery for this texture series is here; Background Images

Backgrounds Galleries Header

You can download the zipped up selection from my repository here: Background Images Part 1 (47.5Mb) and Background Images Part 2 (50.6Mb).

Bill Board Trees

If you need to generate a bunch of really low processing heavy trees for a game or scene then bill-board trees are useful. These were generally created using Carrara or in the case of the fern and bracken fronds, put on a scanner and then hand masked to create the transparency. The images are all as .png files and so have transparency included in them. Billboard Tree Images

Billboard Tree Galleries Header

You can download the zipped up selection of billboard trees from my repository here: Billboard Tree Images - 5.4Mb.


Well actually most of these pictures are metals covered in chipped paint and such like. The gallery for this texture series is here; Metals.

Metal Textures Gallery Header

You can download the zipped up selection of metal image textures from my repository here: Metal Images - 21.6Mb.


The following selection is a series of spherical textures for planet surfaces. Originally they were generated for some fictional systems in Celestia. The actual surface textures have been built from a number of sources including; pottery, NASA images, satellite images, and various other sources. The images are generally a colours image for the diffuse layer and a grey-scale image for the bump-map. The gallery for this texture series is here; Planets.

Planet Textures Gallery Header

You can download the zipped up selection of planet textures from my repository here: Planet Images - 14Mb.

Rocks, Stones, and Ground Textures

A number of these images are prepared as tiles so they can be used on game environment surfaces. Hopefully the filename will help you identify which ones these are. Some of the images include a bump map as well as the diffuse map so be sure to pick them up where they exist. The gallery for this texture series is here; Rocks and Stones.

Rocks and Stones Texture Gallery Header

You can download the zipped up selection of rocky and ground textures from my repository here: Rocks and Stones - 49.8Mb.

Wood Textures

Although I have used wooden texture a lot in my game designs, I have not got any generic wood textures. My usual way of working is to craft the specific texture from a basic texture like the ones presented here. Access the wood texture gallery from here; Wood.

Wood Texture Gallery Header

You can download the zipped up selection of wood textures from my repository here: Wood - 44.8Mb.


These images are provided under a Creative Commons license for non-commercial use. You do not need to attribute me to use them in your projects. If you are going to share them, then it is a “share alike” license. Don’t claim them as your own eh?

Creative Commons License Image

All of the projects described in this section are issued under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please follow the link to gain a detailed description of what this means. In a nut-shell it can be summarised as;

You are free to:

  • Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

  • Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material.

  • NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

  • ShareAlike - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

  • No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

The brief description above was more or less taken from the website.